This Document Archive of Ex-Ante Resources is intended to provide public access to documents related to the development, review, approval and use of ex ante values within the energy efficiency portfolio of programs offered by Program Administrators (PAs) as authorized by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). PAs include the Investor Owned Utilities (IOUs including Pacific Gas and Electric, Southern California Edison, Southern California Gas and San Diego Gas and Electric), their contracted Regional Energy Networks (RENs including BayREN and SoCalREN), and Community Choice Aggregators (CCAs including Marin Clean Energy).

Documents have been categorized into several groups to ease the process of locating and downloading those of interest. Once located, documents may be downloaded individually or in groups.

This Document Archive is considered to currently be an initial release that is intended to grow and improve over time. We welcome input on areas for improvement or issues limiting access. Please contact us at with your input.

This website is in the process of being retired. All content can be found at Thank you for your patience.

Available Document Groups: