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Workpaper and Disposition Archive

This webpage includes deemed workpapers, submitted supporting documents, and ex ante data which are approved for use for any time period since January 1, 2015 (they are not necessarily currently approved). Also included are CPUC energy division ex ante dispositions which apply to workpapers approved for use during any time period since January 1, 2015.

Documents may be downloaded individually or in groups. There are multiple ways to find workpapers:

  • Select Sector, Use Category, PA, and/or Technology Group. Multiple selections can be made for Use Category, PA, and Technology Group (use control, shift, or command to make multiple selections). Click Filter files to reduce the number of rows in the list.
  • Sort columns by clicking on the arrows next to the column names
  • Use your browser's search feature to find text in the list.

Notes within the table refer to guidance documents. Many of these files as well as a monthly workpaper activity document are located at this website: www.deeresources.com. Please contact us at DEERsupport@dnv.com if there are problems with this webpage.

To download files:
  • Check the box next to the selected workpaper and click Download Selected Files (bottom of page).
  • 3/13/2020 UPDATE: The site allows for download of one selected workpaper at a time. Please download only one workpaper at a time until further notice.

The files will be downloaded as a single ZIP. Within the ZIP archive, each workpaper will have the files name shown in the File Name column, below. This file name has been modified to have a consistent naming convention. The archive does not limit the size of the ZIP file that the user requests. Please use your own discretion.

This website is in the process of being retired. All content can be found at cedars.sound-data.com/deer-resources. Thank you for your patience.

Last Updated: April 11, 2022.
Most Recently approved workpapers were submitted on: December 30, 2021.

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Workpaper ID Workpaper Title Sector Use Category PA Technology Group Revision Current Revision? Date Approved (StartDate) File Name Disposition Notes Year Submitted Filesize
Ex Ante Database Tables Ex Ante Database Tables Any Any SDGE Any 0 FALSE 3/29/2019 SDGE 2019 EAD_MAT UPDATE_FINAL.zip SDGE Ex Ante Database Tables 2019 1,043
Ex Ante Database Tables Ex Ante Database Tables Any Any SCG Any 0 FALSE 3/29/2019 EAD Tables SoCalGas_032919.zip SCG Ex Ante Database Tables 2019 1,000
Ex Ante Database Tables Ex Ante Database Tables Any Any PGE Any 0 FALSE 3/29/2019 Revised ExAnte Batch File 2019_PGE.zip PGE Ex Ante Database Tables 2019 6,008
Ex Ante Database Tables Ex Ante Database Tables Any Any SCE Any 0 FALSE 3/29/2019 2019 and Carry Over Workpaper ExAnte Data Res E-4952.zip SCE Ex Ante Database Tables 2019 13,819
Ex Ante Disposition SCE17CS014-R1 Detailed Review Residential Appliance or Plug Load Statewide Business and Consumer Electronics 0 TRUE 6/1/2018 SCE17CS014r1-Tier2APS-DetailedReview-01June2018.pdf SCE17CS014-R1 Detail Review 2018 79
Ex Ante Disposition Disposition for Clothes Washer Recycling Residential Appliance or Plug Load Statewide (All) Cleaning Equipment 0 TRUE 1/8/2016 D2016-ClothesWasherRecycling.zip Clothes Washer Recycling 2016 Disposition for Clothes Washer Recycling. As of 12/25/2017, no workpapers have been approved that comply with this disposition. 2016 800
Ex Ante Disposition Disposition For Appliance Recycling Residential Appliance or Plug Load Statewide (All) Refrigerated Storage 0 TRUE 3/1/2013 D2013-ApplianceRecycling.docx Appliance Recycling 2013 Disposition for Appliance Recycling 2013 26
Ex Ante Disposition Disposition for Televisions Residential Appliance or Plug Load Statewide (All) Business and Consumer Electronics 0 TRUE 3/1/2013 D2013-Televisions.zip Televisions 2013 Disposition for Televisions. No PA had a workpaper for this technology any time since January 1, 2015. 2013 5973
Ex Ante Disposition Elect and Gas Fryer Commercial Food Service Statewide (All) Cooking Equipment 0 TRUE 1/4/2019 Food Service_Ex AnteReview_Electric & Gas Fryer_01042019.pdf Disposition - Elec and Gas Fryer Non-standard Disposition for the commercial electric and gas fryer workpaper SWFS011-01 2018 96
Ex Ante Disposition Elec Hot Food Cabinet Commercial Food Service Statewide (All) Cooking Equipment 0 TRUE 1/11/2019 Food Service - Electric Hot Food Holding Cabinets_01_11_2019.pdf Disposition - Elec Hot Food Cab Non-standard Disposition for the commercial electric hot food holding cabinets workpaper SWFS007-01 2018 84
Ex Ante Disposition Gas Rack Oven Commercial Food Service Statewide (All) Cooking Equipment 0 TRUE 1/11/2019 Food Service - Gas Rack Oven_01-11-2019.pdf Disposition - Gas Rack Oven Non-standard Disposition for the commercial rack oven workpaper SWFS014-01 2018 107
Ex Ante Disposition Steam Cooker Commercial Food Service Statewide (All) Cooking Equipment 0 TRUE 1/11/2019 Food Service - Steam Cooker_01-11-2019.pdf Disposition - Steam Cooker Non-standard Disposition for the commercial electric and gas steam cooker workpaper SWFS005-01 2018 85
Ex Ante Disposition Convection Oven Commercial Food Service Statewide (All) Cooking Equipment 0 TRUE 1/4/2019 Food Service_Ex AnteReview_Convection Oven _01042019.pdf Disposition - Convection Oven Non-standard Disposition for the convection oven workpaper SWFS001-01 2018 113
Ex Ante Disposition Multiple Speed Unitary HVAC >=65 kBtu/h Commercial HVAC Statewide (All) dX AC Equipment, dx HP Equipment 0 TRUE 3/1/2018 D2018-MultipleSpeedUnitaryHVAC.7z Multiple Speed Unitary HVAC Units 2018 Disposition for Multiple speed unitary HVAC units. As of 3/1/2018, No PA had a workpaper that complies with this disposition. 2018 238
Ex Ante Disposition Smart Thermostats Memo Extension Residential HVAC SCE HVAC Technology 2 TRUE 12/3/2018 Smart Thermostat Memo_12032018-revised.pdf Disposition - Smart Thermostats Disposition Extending Eligibility of Southern California Edison’s (SCE) Residential Smart Communicating Thermostat (SCT) workpaper SCE17HC054 through March 31, 2019 2018 66
Ex Ante Disposition Disposition for Smart Thermostats Residential HVAC Statewide (All) HVAC Technology 1 TRUE 11/21/2017 D2017-SmartThermostat.zip Thermostat - Smart Residential 2017 Disposition for smart thermostats. 2017 321
Ex Ante Disposition Disposition for Variable Refrigerant Flow Systems Commercial HVAC Statewide (All) dx HP Equipment 0 TRUE 3/1/2017 D2017-VariableRefrigFlow.zip Variable Refrigerant Flow 2017 Disposition for Variable Refrigerant Flow Systems. As of Sept 4, 2017, no workpapers have been approved that comply with this disposition. 2017 25360
Ex Ante Disposition Disposition for High and Low Bay LED Fixtures Commercial Lighting Statewide (All) Lighting - Fixtures 0 TRUE 5/7/2018 InteriorHighAndLowBayLEDPhase2-7May2018-Final-2.zip 2018 Hi/Low Bay LED Fixtures 2018 Phase 2 Disposition for High and Low Bay LED Fixtures based on resubmission of workpaper PGECOLTG178 Revision 3 in response to a 2017 Phase 2 Disposition 2018 155
Ex Ante Disposition Outdoor Lighting Fixtures Residential, Commercial Lighting Statewide (All) Lighting - Fixtures 0 TRUE 3/1/2018 D2018-OutdoorLighting.7z 2018 Outdoor Lighting Fixtures 2018 Disposition for Outdoor Lighting. As of 3/1/2018, No PA had a workpaper that complies with this disposition. 2018 45569
Ex Ante Disposition Disposition for Outdoor Lighting LED Fixtures Commercial Lighting Statewide (All) Lighting - Fixtures 0 TRUE 5/7/2018 2018OutdoorLightingPhase1-22May2018-Correct.zip 2018 Outdoor Lighting Fixtures Update 2018 Outdoor Lighting Disposition Update covering workpaper resubmission in response to a 2018 Phase 1 Disposition 2018 167
Ex Ante Disposition Screw-in Lamps Savings Methods Residential, Commercial Lighting Statewide (All) Lighting - Lamps 0 TRUE 3/1/2018 D2018-ScrewInLampSavingsMethods.7z 2018 Screw In Lamps Savings Methods 2018 Disposition for Savings Methods that are applied to Screw-in Lamps. As of 3/1/2018, No PA had a workpaper that complies with this disposition. A-Lamp savings revision from 5/1/2018 is included. 2018 11038
Ex Ante Disposition PGECOLTG165 R6 Preliminary Review Residential, Commercial Lighting PGE Lighting - Lamps 0 TRUE 5/22/2018 PGECOLTG165R6LEDA-Lamps-PrelimReview-22May2018.pdf PGECOLTG165 R6 Preliminary Review 2018 433
Ex Ante Disposition PGECOLTG177 R6 Preliminary Review Residential, Commercial Lighting PGE Lighting - Lamps 0 TRUE 5/22/2018 PGECOLTG177R6LEDBR-R-Lamps-PrelimReview-22May2018.pdf PGECOLTG177 R6 Preliminary Review 2018 434
Ex Ante Disposition Commercial Lighting Memo Extension Commercial Lighting PGE Lighting - Fixtures 0 TRUE 12/17/2018 Commercial Lighting workpaper Memo_12162018.pdf Disposition - Comm Lighting Disposition Extending Eligibility of Pacific Gas and Electric’s (PG&E) Commercial Lighting workpapers: PGECOLTG151, PGECOLTG179, PGECOLTG178 through March 31, 2019 2018 88
Ex Ante Disposition Disposition for Exterior LED Lighting Fixtures Commercial, Residential, Agricultural, Industrial Lighting Statewide (All) Lighting - Fixtures 1 TRUE 6/2/2017 D2017-ExtLighting.zip 2017 Exterior Lighting 2017 Disposition for Exterior Lighting 2017 57
Ex Ante Disposition Disposition for Screw In Lamps Commercial, Residential, Agricultural, Industrial Lighting Statewide (All) Lighting - Lamps 1 TRUE 5/26/2017 D2017-ScrewInLamps.zip 2017 Screw In Lamps 2017 Disposition for Screw-in Lamps 2017 7072
Ex Ante Disposition Disposition for PGECOLTG178-R3 Detailed Review Commercial Lighting PGE Lighting - Fixtures 0 TRUE 9/29/2017 D2017-PGECOLTG178R3DetailedReview.7z PGECOLTG178-R3 Detailed Review Disposition for Workpaper PGECOLTG178-Rev3 Covering High and Low Bay LED Fixtures 2017 8135
Ex Ante Disposition Disposition for LED Lamps and Fixtures that use WRR savings methods Commercial, Residential, Agricultural, Industrial Lighting Statewide (All) Lighting - Lamps, Lighting - Fixtures 1 TRUE 7/22/2016 D2016-LED-WRR.zip 2016 LED WRR Lamps 2016 Disposition for LED lamps subject to the wattage reduction ratio (WRR) 2016 45687
Ex Ante Disposition Disposition for Lighting Retrofits Commercial, Residential, Agricultural, Industrial Lighting Statewide (All) Lighting - Lamps, Lighting - Fixtures, Lighting - Lamps + Ballasts, Lighting - Plug-in 4 TRUE 1/27/2015 D2015-LightingRetrofits.zip 2013-2015 Lighting 2015 Disposition for many lighting technologies. Disposition was retroactive to 2013. Most lighting workpaper submitted for use in 2015 were revised per this disposition. 2015 1363
Ex Ante Disposition Disposition for Occupancy Sensors Commercial, Residential, Agricultural, Industrial Lighting Statewide (All) Lighting - Controls 3 TRUE 9/6/2013 D2013-LightingOccSensor.docx 2013 Occupancy Sensors 2013 Disposition for Occupancy Sensors 2013 12562
SCE13AP003 Energy Star Clothes Washer Residential Appliance or Plug Load SCE Cleaning Equipment 1 FALSE 8/11/2014 SCE13AP003.1 Energy Star Clothes Washers_Final.docx Good Until July 2015 (when SCE adopted statewide workpaper) 2014 12612.117
Ex Ante Disposition Disposition for Process Fan VSD Commercial, Industrial Process Distribution, Process Drying Statewide (All) Motor Speed Control (Non-HVAC) 1 TRUE 8/29/2017 D2017-ProcessFanVSD.pdf Process Fan VSD 2017 Disposition for Process Fan variable speed drives (VSD) 2017 113
Ex Ante Disposition Disposition for Strip Curtains Commercial, Industrial Process Refrigeration Statewide (All) Refrigerated Storage 0 TRUE 2/27/2013 D2013-StripCurtains.docx Strip Curtains 2013 Disposition for Strip Curtains. No PA had a workpaper for this technology any time since January 1, 2015. 2013 53
Ex Ante Disposition Disposition for Residential Varilable Speed Pool Pumps Residential Recreation Statewide (All) Pool and Spa Equipment, Pump System, Motor Speed Control (Non-HVAC) 0 TRUE 3/1/2017 D2017-ResVarSpdPool.docx Swimming Pool Pump VSD 2017 Disposition for Residential variable speed pool pumps. As of Sept 4, 2017, no workpapers have been approved that comply with this disposition. 2017 47
SCE13CS005 Beverage Merchandise Controller Commercial Appliance or Plug Load SCE Refrigerated Storage 1 FALSE 8/11/2014 SCE13CS005.1 - Beverage Merchandise Controller_Final.docx Good Until 2016 2014 9745.316
Ex Ante Disposition Disposition for Pool Covers Commercial Recreation Statewide (All) Pool and Spa Equipment 0 TRUE 3/1/2013 D2013-PoolCovers.docx Swimming Pool Covers 2013 Disposition for Pool Covers 2013 75
SCE13CS008 Energy Star Audio Equipment Residential, Commercial Appliance or Plug Load SCE Business and Consumer Electronics 1 FALSE 8/11/2014 SCE13CS008.1 - Energy Star Audio Equipment_Final.docx 2014 3218
Ex Ante Disposition Disposition For Non-Residential HVAC Rooftop Quality Maintenance Commercial Service Statewide (All) dX AC Equipment, dx HP Equipment 0 TRUE 5/2/2013 D2013-ComHVACmaintenance.docx HVAC Quality Maintenance - Commercial 2013 Disposition for Commercial HVAC Maintenance 2013 2590
Ex Ante Disposition Disposition for Residential HVAC Quality Maintenance Residential Service Statewide (All) dX AC Equipment, dx HP Equipment 0 TRUE 5/2/2013 D2013-ResHVACmaintenance.docx HVAC Quality Maintenance - Residential 2013 Disposition for Residential HVAC Maintenance 2013 2855
Ex Ante Disposition Universal Audit Tool (UAT) Residential Service SCG Audit, Information, Testing Services 0 TRUE 2/13/2019 WPSCGREHC1800409R0_Residential Universal Online Audit Tool_02-13-2019.pdf Universal Audit Kits (UAT - Residential) 2019 88
SCE13OE001 Power Management Software for Networked Computers Commercial Appliance or Plug Load SCE Business and Consumer Electronics 1 FALSE 8/11/2014 SCE13OE001.1 - Power Management Software for Networked Computers_Final.docx 2015-2016 Uncertain Measure. 2014 3370.009
Ex Ante Disposition Residential Water Heaters Residential Service and Domestic Hot Water Statewide (All) Water Heating Equipment 0 TRUE 3/1/2018 D2018-ResidentialWaterHeaters.7z DHW - Residential Water Heaters 2018 Disposition for Residential Water Heaters. As of 3/1/2018, No PA had a workpaper that complies with this disposition. 2018 29237
Ex Ante Disposition Disposition for On-Demand Pump Control for Central Domestic Hot Water Systems Residential, Commercial Service and Domestic Hot Water Statewide (All) Liquid Circulation, Pump System 1 TRUE 6/20/2013 D2013-HotWaterPump.docx DHW - Multi-Family Pumps 2013 Disposition for Multi-Family central water heating systems 2013 102
Ex Ante Disposition Disposition for Water Fixtures Residential Service and Domestic Hot Water Statewide (All) Plumbing Fixture 0 TRUE 2/22/2013 D2013-DHWFixture.docx DHW - Water Fixtures 2013 Disposition for Residential Water Fixtures 2013 1554
Ex Ante Disposition LED R-BR: <11 Watts Residential, Commercial Lighting SCE Lighting - Lamps 3 TRUE 2/28/2019 SCE17LG131.3 A1 LED BR-R Lamps_2019-02-22.pdf Disposition - Approving SCE's LED BR-R Lamps Workpaper SCE17LG131.3 Disposition Approving Southern California Edison's Energy Efficiency LED BR/R Lamp Replacement Workpaper, SCE17LG131.3 2019 54
Ex Ante Disposition LED globe: <3 Watts Residential, Commercial Lighting SCE Lighting - Lamps 2 TRUE 2/28/2019 SCE17LG130.2 Globe lamp replacement_2019-02-22.pdf Disposition - Approving SCE's Globe Lamp Replacement Workpaper SCE17LG130.2 Disposition Approving Southern California Edison's Energy Efficiency Globe Lamp Replacement Workpaper, SCE17LG130.2 2019 54
Ex Ante Disposition LED Candelabra Replacements Residential, Commercial Lighting SCE Lighting - Lamps 2 TRUE 2/28/2019 SCE17LG129.2 Candelabra lamp_2019-02-22.pdf Disposition - Approving SCE's Candelabra Lamp Workpaper SCE17LG129.2 Disposition Approving Southern California Edison's Energy Efficiency Candelabra Lamp Replacement Workpaper, SCE17LG129.2 2019 53
Ex Ante Disposition LED Residential Exterior Fixtures Residential Lighting SCE Lighting - Fixtures 1 TRUE 2/28/2019 SCE17LG119.1 Exterior LED fixtures residential_2019-02-22.pdf Disposition - Approving SCE's Exterior LED Fixtures Residential Workpaper SCE17LG119.1 Disposition Approving Southern California Edison's Energy Efficiency Residential Exterior LED Fixture Workpaper, SCE17LG119.1 2019 53
Ex Ante Disposition Exterior LED Lamp Replacement Commercial Lighting SCE Lighting - Lamps 2 TRUE 2/28/2019 SCE17LG109.2 Exterior LED lamp replacement_2019-02-22.pdf Disposition - Approving SCE's Exterior LED Lamp Replacement Workpaper SCE17LG109.2 Disposition Approving Southern California Edison's Energy Efficiency Exterior LED Lamp Replacement Workpaper, SCE17LG109.2 2019 54
Ex Ante Disposition Interior LED Downlight Fixtures Residential, Commercial Lighting SCE Lighting - Fixtures 2 TRUE 2/28/2019 SCE17LG103.2 Interior LED downlight_2019-02-22.pdf Disposition - Approving SCE's Interior LED Downlight Workpaper SCE17LG103.2 Disposition Approving Southern California Edison's Energy Efficiency Interior LED Downlight Fixture Workpaper, SCE17LG103.2 2019 54
Ex Ante Disposition SCE17HC054 R1 - Smart Communicating Thermostat Residential HVAC SCE HVAC Technology 1 TRUE 4/5/2019 SCE17HCO54 R1 - Smart Communicating Thermostat_2019-04-05.pdf SCE17HC054 R1 - Smart Communicating Thermostat Disposition for the Smart Communicating Thermostat SCE17HC054 Rev 1 Workpaper 2019 187
Ex Ante Disposition Non-Residential Lighting and Smart Thermostat Commercial Lighting/HVAC PGE, SCE Lighting/HVAC 0 TRUE 3/28/2019 Smart thermostat and lighting workpaper extension 2019-03-28.pdf Non-Residential Lighting and Smart Thermostat Extending the current expiry date of energy efficiency workpapers on Non-Residential Lighting and Residential Smart Thermostat, beyond March 31, 2019 2019 89
Ex Ante Disposition LED Ambient and Retrofit Kit Commercial Lighting PGE Lighting - Fixtures 6 TRUE 5/13/2019 PGECOLTG179 LED ambient and retrofit kit Memo_2019-05-13.pdf Disposition Approving PG&E's LED Ambient Commercial Fixtures and Retrofit Kits Workpaper PGECOLTG179 Rev 6 2019 103
Ex Ante Disposition High Low Bay LED Commercial Lighting PGE Lighting - Fixtures 4 TRUE 5/13/2019 PGECOLTG178 Rev4 High Low Bay LED Memo__2019-05-13.pdf Disposition Approving PG&E's LED High-Bay and Low-Bay Fixtures Workpaper PGECOLTG178 Rev 4 2019 104
Ex Ante Disposition Parking Garage Lighting Commercial Lighting PGE Lighting - Fixtures 9 TRUE 5/13/2019 PGECOLTG151 R9 Parking Garage Lighting Memo_2019-05-13.pdf Disposition Approving PG&E's Commercial LED Outdoor Parking Garage Workpaper, PGECOLTG151 Rev 9 2019 117
Ex Ante Disposition LED Tube Disposition Commercial Lighting SCE Lighting - Lamps 1 TRUE 1/1/2020 SWLG009-01 LED Tube disposition 8-13-2019.pdf Disposition Approving SCE's TLED lamp replacement workpaper SWLG009-01 2019 45
Ex Ante Disposition LED Ambient Disposition Commercial Lighting SCE Lighting - Fixtures 1 TRUE 1/1/2020 SWLG012-01 LED Ambient disposition 8-13-2019.pdf Disposition Approving SCE's LED Ambient Fixture and Retrofit Kit, Commercial workpaper, SWLG012-01 2019 41
Ex Ante Disposition LED High Low Bay Disposition Commercial, Industrial Lighting SCE Lighting - Fixtures 1 TRUE 1/1/2020 SWLG011-01 LED High Low bay disposition 8-13-2019.pdf Disposition Approving SCE's LED High or Low Bay workpaper, SWLG011-01 2019 41
Ex Ante Disposition Residential Smart Communicating Thermostat Disposition Residential HVAC SCE HVAC Technology 1 TRUE 1/1/2020 SWHC039-01 & SWHC039-02 Smart Thermostat Disposition 2019-10-04.pdf Disposition Approving Smart Communicating Thermostat, SWHC039-01 2019 50
PGE3PAGR113 Scroll Compressors Agricultural Process Refrigeration PGE Liquid Chilling Equipment 2 FALSE 1/1/2016 PGE3PAGR113-R2.zip 2018 106
PGE3PAGR113 Scroll Compressor Agricultural Process Refrigeration PGE Liquid Chilling Equipment 3 FALSE 4/1/2017 PGE3PAGR113-R3.zip 2017 1453
PGE3PAGR113 Scroll Compressor Agricultural Process Refrigeration PGE Liquid Chilling Equipment 0 FALSE 5/1/2013 PGE3PAGR113 R0 Scroll Compressor.doc 2013 185
PGE3PAGR114 Milk Pre Cooler Agricultural Process Refrigeration PGE to be assigned 0 FALSE 5/1/2013 PGE3PAGR114 R0 Milk Pre Cooler.doc PG&E retired this workpaper on 12/31/2015 2013 173
SCE13HC002 Reflective Window Film Residential, Commercial Building Envelope SCE Fenestration 1 FALSE 8/11/2014 SCE13HC002.1 Reflective Window Film_Final.docx 2014 7017
PGE3PAGR115 CHR Unit - Electric and Gas Agricultural Process Refrigeration PGE to be assigned 2 FALSE 1/1/2016 PGE3PAGR115-R2.zip PG&E retired this workpaper on 1/10/2017. 2018 102
SCE13HC051 Prescriptive Window Retrofit Residential Building Envelope SCE Fenestration 1 FALSE 8/11/2014 SCE13HC051.1 Tint Window Retrofit_Final.docx 2014 5989
PGE3PAGR115 Compressor Heat Recovery Unit - Electric and Gas Water Heaters Agricultural Process Refrigeration PGE to be assigned 0 FALSE 5/1/2013 PGE3PAGR115 R0 CHR Unit - Electric and Gas.doc PG&E retired this workpaper on 1/10/2017. 2013 315
PGE3PAGR116 Milk Vacuum Pump VSD Agricultural Process Distribution PGE Motor Speed Control (Non-HVAC) 0 FALSE 5/1/2013 PGE3PAGR116 R0 - Milk Vacuum Pump VSD.doc PG&E retired this workpaper on 12/31/2015 2013 182
PGE3PAGR117 Agricultural Ventilation Fans Industrial HVAC PGE HVAC Air Distribution 8 FALSE 12/1/2017 PGE3PAGR117-R8.zip Retiring measure code H210 effective 12/31/2017. No changes on the remaining three measure codes (H207, H208, H209). 2017 535
PGE3PAGR118 Milk Transfer Pump VSD Agricultural Process Distribution PGE Motor Speed Control (Non-HVAC) 0 FALSE 5/1/2013 PGE3PAGR118 R0 Milk Transfer Pump VSD.doc PG&E retired this workpaper on 12/31/2015 2013 179
PGE3PHVC149 PTAC/PTHP/Split AC Controller Commercial HVAC PGE dX AC Equipment, dx HP Equipment 2 FALSE 1/4/2016 PGE3PHVC149 R2 PTAC-PTHP Split AC Controllerv2.docx 2016 211
PGE3PHVC150 Enhanced Time Delay Commercial HVAC PGE HVAC Technology 4 FALSE 10/3/2016 PGECOHVC150 R4 Enhanced Time Delay Relay.docx 2016 70
PGE3PHVC150 Enhanced Time Delay Commercial HVAC PGE HVAC Technology 2 FALSE 2/2/2015 PGE3PHVC150-R2.zip 2015 755.146
PGE3PHVC151 Economizer Repair 2018 Commercial Service SCE dx AC Equipment, dx HC Equipment 1 FALSE 1/1/2018 PGE3PHVC151.1 - Economizer Repair 2018_Final.zip 2018 10613
PGE3PHVC151 Economizer Repair Commercial Service PGE dx AC Equipment, dx HC Equipment 4 FALSE 1/1/2018 PGE3PHVC151_R4_Economizer Repair.zip 2018 208
PGE3PHVC151 Economizer Repair Commercial Service PGE dX AC Equipment, dx HP Equipment 3 FALSE 12/1/2017 PGE3PHVC151-R3.zip 2017 3061
PGE3PHVC151 Economizer Repair Commercial Service PGE dX AC Equipment, dx HP Equipment 2 FALSE 1/4/2016 PGE3PHVC151_R2_Economizer Repair.docx 2016 135
PGE3PHVC151 Economizer Repair Commercial Service PGE dx AC Equipment, dx HC Equipment 5 FALSE 1/1/2019 PGE3PHVC151_R5_Economizer Repair.zip 2019 1,792
PGE3PHVC151 Economizer Repair 2019 Commercial Service SCE dx AC Equipment, dx HC Equipment 2 FALSE 1/1/2019 PGE3PHVC151_R2_Economizer Repair.zip 2019 7,850
PGE3PHVC152 Economizer Control 2018 Commercial HVAC SCE HVAC Air Distribution 1 FALSE 1/1/2018 PGE3PHVC152.1 - Economizer Control_2018_Final.zip 2018 10545
PGE3PHVC152 Economizer Controls Commercial HVAC PGE HVAC Air Distribution 5 FALSE 1/1/2018 PGE3PHVC152_R5_Economizer Controls.zip 2018 204
PGE3PHVC152 Economizer Controls Commercial HVAC PGE HVAC Air Distribution 4 FALSE 11/7/2016 PGE3PHVC152-R4.zip 2016 237.611
PGE3PHVC152 Economizer Controls Commercial HVAC PGE HVAC Air Distribution 3 FALSE 1/4/2016 PGE3PHVC152_R3_Economizer Controls.docx 2016 139
PGE3PHVC152 Economizer Control 2019 Commercial HVAC SCE HVAC Air Distribution 2 FALSE 1/1/2019 PGE3PHVC152_R2_Economizer Controls.zip 2019 8,091
PGE3PHVC152 Economizer Controls Commercial HVAC PGE HVAC Air Distribution 6 FALSE 1/1/2019 PGE3PHVC152_R6_Economizer Controls.zip 2019 1,803
PGE3PHVC153 Programmable Thermostat - Nonres Commercial HVAC PGE HVAC Technology 3 FALSE 9/10/2015 PGE3PHVC153-R3.zip 2015 2900.961
PGE3PHVC156 Condenser Coil Cleaning 2018 Commercial Service SCE dx AC Equipment, dx HC Equipment 1 FALSE 1/1/2018 PGE3PHVC156.1 - Condenser Coil Cleaning_2018_Final.zip 2018 3250
PGE3PHVC156 Condenser Coil Cleaning Commercial Service PGE dx AC Equipment, dx HC Equipment 3 FALSE 1/1/2018 PGE3PHVC156_R3_Condenser Coil Cleaning.zip 2018 123
PGE3PHVC156 Condenser Coil Cleaning Commercial Service PGE dX AC Equipment, dx HP Equipment 2 FALSE 1/4/2016 PGE3PHVC156_R2_Condenser Coil Cleaning.docx 2016 104
PGE3PHVC156 Condenser Coil Cleaning 2019 Commercial Service SCE dx AC Equipment, dx HC Equipment 2 FALSE 1/1/2019 PGE3PHVC156_R2_Condenser Coil Cleaning.zip 2019 2,426
PGE3PHVC156 Condenser Coil Cleaning Commercial Service PGE dx AC Equipment, dx HC Equipment 4 FALSE 1/1/2019 PGE3PHVC156_R4_Condenser Coil Cleaning.zip 2019 104
PGE3PHVC157 Unoccupied Supply Fan Control 2018 Commercial HVAC SCE HVAC Technology 1 FALSE 1/1/2018 PGE3PHVC157.1 - Unoccupied Supply Fan Control_2018_Final.zip 2018 6541
PGE3PHVC157 Unoccupied Supply Fan Control Commercial HVAC PGE HVAC Technology 3 FALSE 1/1/2018 PGE3PHVC157_R3_Unoccupied Supply Fan Control.zip 2018 142
PGE3PHVC157 Unoccupied Supply Fan Control Commercial HVAC PGE HVAC Technology 2 FALSE 1/4/2016 PGE3PHVC157_R2_Unocc Fan Control.docx 2016 125
PGE3PHVC157 Unoccupied Supply Fan Control 2019 Commercial HVAC SCE HVAC Technology 2 FALSE 1/1/2019 PGE3PHVC157_R2_Unocc Supply Fan Control.zip 2019 4,848
PGE3PHVC157 Unocc Supply Fan Control Commercial HVAC PGE HVAC Technology 4 FALSE 1/1/2019 PGE3PHVC157_R4_Unoccupied Supply Fan Control.zip 2019 165
PGE3PHVC158 Evaporator Coil Cleaning 2018 Commercial Service SCE dx AC Equipment, dx HC Equipment 1 FALSE 1/1/2018 PGE3PHVC158.1 - Evaporator Coil Cleaning_2018_Final.zip 2018 3258
PGE3PHVC158 Evaporator Coil Cleaning Commercial Service PGE dx AC Equipment, dx HC Equipment 3 FALSE 1/1/2018 PGE3PHVC158_R3_Evaporator Coil Cleaning.zip 2018 121
PGE3PHVC158 Evaporator Coil Cleaning Commercial Service PGE dX AC Equipment, dx HP Equipment 2 FALSE 1/4/2016 PGE3PHVC158_R2_EvapCoilCleaning.docx 2016 103
PGE3PHVC158 Evaporator Coil Cleaning 2019 Commercial Service SCE dx AC Equipment, dx HC Equipment 2 FALSE 1/1/2019 PGE3PHVC158_R2_Evaporator Coil Cleaning.zip 2019 2,432
PGE3PHVC158 EvapCoilCleaning Commercial Service PGE dx AC Equipment, dx HC Equipment 4 FALSE 1/1/2019 PGE3PHVC158_R4_Evaporator Coil Cleaning.zip 2019 103
PGE3PHVC159 Duct Test & Seal: Nonresidential Residential Service PGE HVAC Air Distribution 6 FALSE 1/1/2018 PGE3PHVC159 R6 Res DuctTestSea_Final.zip 2018 97
PGE3PHVC159 Res DuctTestSeal Residential Service PGE HVAC Air Distribution 5 FALSE 7/1/2017 PGE3PHVC159-R5.zip 2017 118
PGE3PHVC159 Res DuctTestSeal Residential Service PGE HVAC Air Distribution 4 FALSE 1/1/2017 PGE3PHVC159-R4.zip 2017 117.245
PGE3PHVC159 Res DuctTestSeal Residential Service PGE HVAC Air Distribution 2 FALSE 12/7/2015 PGE3PHVC159-R2.zip 2015 110.542
PGE3PHVC160 Refrigerant Charge Adjustment 2018 Commercial Service SCE dx AC Equipment, dx HC Equipment 1 FALSE 1/1/2018 PGE3PHVC160.1 - Refrigerant Charge Adjustment_2018_Final.zip 2018 3516
PGE3PHVC160 Refrigerant Charge Adjustment Commercial Service PGE dx AC Equipment, dx HC Equipment 3 FALSE 1/1/2018 PGE3PHVC160_R3_Refrigerant Charge Adjustment.zip 2018 3579
PGE3PHVC160 Refrigerant Charge Adjustment (RCA) Commercial Service PGE dX AC Equipment, dx HP Equipment 2 FALSE 1/4/2016 PGE3PHVC160_R2_Refrigerant Charge Adjustment.docx 2016 3999
SCE13CC001 Commercial Reach-In Refrigerators and Freezers Commercial Commercial Refrigeration SCE, SDG Refrigerated Storage 2 FALSE 8/11/2014 SCE13CC001.2 - Commercial Reach-In Refrigerators and Freezers_Final.docx 2014 8482
PGE3PHVC160 Refrigerant Charge Adjustment 2019 Commercial Service SCE dx AC Equipment, dx HC Equipment 2 FALSE 1/1/2019 PGE3PHVC160_R2_Refrigerant Charge Adjustment.zip 2019 2,639
PGE3PHVC160 Refrigerant Charge Adjustment Commercial Service PGE dx AC Equipment, dx HC Equipment 4 FALSE 1/1/2019 PGE3PHVC160_R4_Refrigerant Charge Adjustment.zip 2019 144
PGE3PLTG168 Vending Machine Controller - Uncooled Commercial Appliance or Plug Load PGE Refrigerated Storage 1 FALSE 6/30/2014 PGE3PLTG168 Vend Machine Controller-Uncool R1.docx PG&E retired this workpaper on 12/31/2015 2014 74
SCE13RN005 Night Covers for Open Vertical and Horizontal Display Cases (Low and Medium Temperature Cases) Commercial Commercial Refrigeration SCE, SDG Refrigerated Storage 1 FALSE 8/11/2014 SCE13RN005.1 - Night Covers for Vertical and Horizontal LT and MT Display Cases_Final.docx 2014 3884
SCE13RN008 New Low and Medium Temperature Display Cases with Doors Commercial Commercial Refrigeration SCE Refrigerated Storage 1 FALSE 8/11/2014 SCE13RN008.1 New Low and Medium Temperature Display Cases with Doors_Final.docx 2014 30800
PGE3PLTG169 Case Lighting Time Clock Commercial Lighting PGE Lighting - Controls 2 FALSE 6/30/2014 PGE3PLTG169 R2 Case Lighting Time Clock.docx PG&E retired this workpaper on 12/31/2015 2014 74
SCE13RN009 Anti-Sweat Heater (ASH) Controls Commercial Commercial Refrigeration SCE dX AC Equipment 1 FALSE 8/11/2014 SCE13RN009.1 ASH Control_Final.docx 2016 Uncertain Measure 2014 3944
PGE3PLTG171 LED Lighting in Walk-in Coolers and Freezers Commercial Lighting PGE Refrigerated Storage 2 FALSE 1/4/2016 PGE3PLTG171_Walk in LED_R2v4.docx 2016 137
SCE13RN011 Evaporator Fan Motors Commercial Commercial Refrigeration SCE dX AC Equipment 1 FALSE 8/11/2014 SCE13RN011.1_Evaporator Fan Motors_Final.docx 2014 11049
PGE3PLTG173 Compact Fluorescent, Downstream & Direct Install Residential, Commercial Lighting PGE Lighting - Lamps, Lighting - Fixtures 6 FALSE 7/1/2017 PGE3PLTG173-R6.zip 2017 Screw In Lamps submitted in response to 2017 Screw In Lamps disposition 2017 611
SCE13RN018 Low ASH Display Doors Commercial Commercial Refrigeration SCE Refrigerated Storage 1 FALSE 8/11/2014 SCE13RN018.1 Low ASH Display Doors_Final.docx 2014 3945
PGE3PLTG173 Compact Fluorescent, Downstream & Direct Install Residential, Commercial Lighting PGE Lighting - Lamps, Lighting - Fixtures 4 FALSE 1/4/2016 PGE3PLTG173 R4 CFL DI Short.docx Revision 5 is subject to the 2017 Screw In Lamp disposition 2016 80
SCE13RN023 Refrigeration Floating Suction and Head Pressure Controls Commercial Commercial Refrigeration SCE dX AC Equipment 2 FALSE 8/11/2014 SCE13RN023.2 Refrigeration Floating Head Pressure Controls_Final.docx Version 3 was submitted in March 2016 but was returned with a prelim review. SCE resubmitted in July 2016 2014 3934
PGE3PMOT102 Enhanced Fan Time Delay BPM Motor Commercial HVAC PGE HVAC Air Distribution 2 FALSE 1/1/2016 PGE3PMOT102-R2.zip 2018 369
SCE13RN024 Refrigerated Storage Auto Closer Commercial Commercial Refrigeration SCE Refrigerated Storage 1 FALSE 8/11/2014 SCE13RN024 1 Refrigerated Storage Auto Closer_Final.docx Version 2 was submitted in March 2016 but was returned with a prelim review. SCE resubmitted in July 2016 2014 3717
PGE3PMOT102 California Climate Air Conditioner Upgrade – Brushless Fan Motor with Enhanced Time Delay Commercial HVAC PGE HVAC Air Distribution 3 FALSE 1/1/2017 PGE3PMOT102-R3.zip 2017 3483.016
SCE13RN025 Walk-in Cooler Evaporative Fan Cycling Control or VFD Control Commercial Commercial Refrigeration SCE Refrigerated Storage, Motor Speed Control (Non-HVAC) 1 FALSE 8/11/2014 SCE13RN025.1 Walk-in Cooler Evaporative Fan Cycling Control or VFD Control_Final.docx 2014 3364
PGE3PMOT102 California Climate Air Conditioner Upgrade – Brushless Fan Motor with Enhanced Time Delay Commercial HVAC PGE HVAC Air Distribution 1 FALSE 6/30/2014 PGE3PMOT102 R1 Enhanced Time Delay BPM Motor.docx 2014 346
PGE3PPRO109 Outdoor Commercial Pool Covers Commercial Recreation PGE Pool and Spa Equipment 1 FALSE 10/14/2013 PGE3PPRO109 R1 Outdoor Commercial Pool Covers.docx Swimming Pool Covers 2013 109
PGE3PREF114 Chilled Glycol Pipe Insulation Agricultural, Industrial Commercial Refrigeration PGE Liquid Circulation 1 FALSE 6/30/2014 PGE3PREF114 Chilled Glycol Pipe Insulation R1.docx PG&E retired this workpaper on 1/10/2017. 2014 116
PGE3PREF115 Glycol tank Insulation Agricultural, Industrial Commercial Refrigeration PGE Liquid Chilling Equipment 2 FALSE 1/1/2016 PGE3PREF115-R2.zip PG&E retired this workpaper on 1/10/2017. 2018 105
PGE3PREF115 Chilled Glycol Tank Insulation Agricultural, Industrial Commercial Refrigeration PGE Liquid Chilling Equipment 1 FALSE 6/30/2014 PGE3PREF115 R1 Glycol tank Insulation.docx PG&E retired this workpaper on 1/10/2017. 2014 112
PGE3PREF116 Add Doors to Open, Medium-Temperature Cases Commercial Commercial Refrigeration PGE Refrigerated Storage 1 FALSE 6/30/2014 PGE3PREF116_Add Med Temp Case Doors_R1.docx 2014 194
PGE3PREF116 Add Doors to Open, Medium-Temperature Cases Commercial Commercial Refrigeration PGE Refrigerated Storage 3 FALSE 8/1/2019 PGE3PREF116 R3 Add Doors to Open Med Temp Cases.zip 2019 3,205
PGE3PREF116 Add Doors to Open, Medium-Temperature Cases Commercial Commercial Refrigeration PGE Refrigerated Storage 2 FALSE 1/1/2016 PGE3PREF116_R2 Add Med Temp Case Doors.zip 2019 3,464
PGE3PREF117 Refrigeration Case Compressor Retrofit Commercial Commercial Refrigeration PGE dX AC Equipment 2 FALSE 6/30/2014 PGE3PREF117 R2 Compressor Ret Multiplex.docx 2014 144
PGE3PREF118 Refrigerated Case Evap Cooled Condenser Commercial Commercial Refrigeration PGE dX AC Equipment 2 FALSE 6/30/2014 PGE3PREF118_Condenser Air to Evap_R2.docx PG&E will retire this workpaper on 4/1/2017. Data within the ex ante database may refer to Revision 3. We believe the revision 2 workpaper is the most recent 2014 100
PGE3PREF119 Efficient Condenser Multiplex Commercial Commercial Refrigeration PGE dX AC Equipment 2 FALSE 6/30/2014 PGE3PREF119_Efficient Condenser Multiplex_R2.docx PG&E retired this workpaper effective 9/1/2017 2014 138
PGE3PREF120 Refrigeration Floating Suction and Head Pressure Controls Commercial Commercial Refrigeration PGE dX AC Equipment 5 FALSE 4/1/2017 PGE3PREF120-R5.zip Adopted lead IOU workpaper SCE17RN023, 25 days after deemed submission date 2017 153
PGE3PREF120 Refrigeration Case SCT Control Commercial Commercial Refrigeration PGE dX AC Equipment 4 FALSE 1/4/2017 PGE3PREF120-R4.xlsx Measure codes R117 and R118 have expiry date of 1/10/2017. Measure codes R115, R116, R122, and R123 have expiry date of 4/1/2017. 2017 39
PGE3PREF120 Refrigeration Case SCT Control Commercial Commercial Refrigeration PGE dX AC Equipment 2 FALSE 6/30/2014 PGE3PREF120_Refrigeration Case SCT Control_R2.docx PG&E retired 2 measures (R117 and R118) on 1/10/2017. The entire workpaper will retire on 4/1/2017. 2014 83
PGE3PREF121 Refrigeration Case SST Control Commercial Commercial Refrigeration PGE dX AC Equipment 2 FALSE 6/30/2014 PGE3PREF121_Refrigeration Case SST Control_R2.doc PG&E will retire this workpaper on 4/1/2017. Data within the ex ante database may refer to Revision 3. We believe the revision 2 workpaper is the most recent 2014 297
PGE3PREF122 Refrigeration Coffin Retrofit – Low Temperature Coffin to High Efficiency Reach-In Commercial Commercial Refrigeration PGE Refrigerated Storage 4 FALSE 6/30/2014 PGE3PREF122_Low Temp Coffin to Reach-in_R4.docx 2014 1403
PGE3PREF123 ECM for Walk-In Evaporator Fan Commercial Commercial Refrigeration PGE dX AC Equipment 2 FALSE 1/1/2016 PGE3PREF123 R2 ECM for Walk-In Evaporator Fan.zip Retired 2016 2,130
PGE3PREF123 ECM for Walk-In Evaporator Fan Commercial Commercial Refrigeration PGE dX AC Equipment 1 FALSE 12/7/2015 PGE3PREF123-R1.zip PG&E retired this workpaper on 1/10/2017. 2015 698.527
PGE3PREF124 Display Case ECM Motor Retrofit Commercial Commercial Refrigeration PGE dX AC Equipment 2 FALSE 6/30/2014 PGE3PREF124 R2 Display Case ECM Motor Ret.docx 2014 96
PGE3PREF126 ECM for Walk-In Evaporator with Fan Controller Commercial Commercial Refrigeration PGE dX AC Equipment 2 FALSE 1/1/2016 PGE3PREF126-R2.zip 2018 3035